ARiADNE: A Reinforcement learning approach using Attention-based Deep Networks for Exploration | 婷婷 | 2025/1/15 |
A Moving Target Tracking System of Quadrotors with Visual-Inertial Localization | 粲儒 | 2025/1/15 |
Linear Auto-calibration of Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras With Rotation Center Offset | 士涵 | 2025/1/22 |
GNM: A General Navigation Model to Drive Any Robot | 淳傑 | 2025/1/22 |
Cooperative Driving in Mixed Traffic of Manned and Unmanned Vehicles based on Human Driving Behavior Understanding | 柏勳 | 2025/2/05 |
DQN-based on-line Path Planning Method for Automatic Navigation of Miniature Robots | 文文 | 2025/2/05 |
DFR-FastMOT: Detection Failure Resistant Tracker for Fast Multi-Object Tracking Based on Sensor Fusion | 欣玲 | 2025/2/12 |
A Fast and Map-Free Model for Trajectory Prediction in Traffics | 崇瑋 | 2025/2/12 |